About Us

In the picturesque townof Osijek renowned for its biscuit heritage, Marijo Lijic grew up surrounded by the comforting aroma of freshly baked biscuits. With a deep-rooted passion for baked goods and an unyielding commitment to fosteringconnectionswithin the industry, Marijo had already left an indelible mark as the founder of Biscuit People,an onlinecommunity that united biscuit professionals world wide.

With the launch of Biscuit People, Marijo initiateda revolution, allowing industry experts to share knowledge, insights, andexperiences like never before a place where innovation flourished, and connections were forged. Marijo’s vision had materialized into a vibrant ecosystem. But Marijo’s ambitions didn’t stop there. Inspired by his deep-rooted passion for biscuits and his unwavering commitment to quality, Marijo embarked on a remarkable journey, giving birth to Barillion online community for snack bar enthusiastsenthusiasts. He believed in the power of communities to transform industries. His dream was to create an online community that mirrored the success of Biscuit People but catered to snack barprofessionals.

The name itself was a fusion of “bar” and “million” symbolizing his goal of uniting millions of snack bar enthusiasts and professionals under one digital roof. The community’s passion was palpable, driven by Marijo’s commitment to empowering growth and inspiring mastery.Today, Barillion continuesto flourish, and Marijo Lijic’s vision lives on. Whether you’re a seasoned snack bar expert or an aspiring enthusiast, Barillion invites you to join its journey.

Share your insights, connect with like-minded professionals, and be part of a community that’s shaping the future of snack bars.